Model Answers
What do you mean by “ Attached to the earth” in Transfer Of Property Act, 1882?
“ Attached to the earth” in Transfer Of Property Act, 1882

What do you mean by “ Attached to the earth” in Transfer Of Property Act, 1882 –
1. Trees
2. Growing crops
3. Shrubs
4. None of these
The answer to this question What do you mean by “ Attached to the earth” in Transfer Of Property Act, 1882 – is (b), i.e. growing crops.
Indira Gandhi versus Raj Narain (AIR 1975 SC 2299)
For this we need to look at the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, where we come across the term, “Attached to earth” which indicates anything rooted (entrenched) in the earth. Let me help you with examples like trees and shrubs. With this, option (a) and option (c) are ruled out.
Going further, it also means embedded in the earth and anything which is attached is so embedded. Here we can take the examples of buildings, walls etc.
So, it is the only option (b) growing crops which do not fall under the categories.