Are lunatics competent to testify in a court of law?
Are Lunatics competent to testify in a court of law

You might come across this question in your exams for multiple choice or short notes etc.
Are Lunatics competent to testify in a court of law?
Yes; lunatics are capable to testify in court. However, there are certain restrictions that the court has to look upon.
In such cases, it becomes the duty of the court of law to examine the capability of the understanding level of the lunatic.
Like, such as whether the concerned person is capable of understanding the questions put forward along with making rational answers as well.
Students often get confused between lunatic and idiots and answer the questions wrong. It is the reason I am giving a quick explanation on these two subjects.
Who are Idiots and Lunatics | How to distinguish between Idiots and Lunatics?
Idiots are the ones who are considered irrational by birth and will never comprehend the questions; therefore, Idiots are not competent to testify. On the other hand, lunatics may have intervals or time periods when there are sane or normal. Even there are chances for them to recover in the future as well. These intervals are known as lucid, and in that particular time, testimony given by the lunatic is considered competent.
Quick Test 1 Constitution law
How will the court determine the competency of lunatics for testimony?
Yes, it is the duty of the court to inspect the lucid intervals, whether the concerned person is able to make rational answers, understand the questions, the nature of the oath, etc.
Can courts take the help of doctors to identify the testimony of a lunatic?
The court may seek the help or opinion of the doctors considering the testimony of a lunatic.